At Ford NGL, we have been leveraging the power of the Arbinger Institute’s Outward Mindset experience for years. We believe in the transformative power of an outward mindset, which is essential to our culture and helps us focus on our impact while fostering a team environment of continuous feedback and growth.
Many of us grew up in a society that doesn’t naturally prepare us to consider our impact on others. From a young age, we are often encouraged to prioritize our own success, achievements, and individual goals. This societal focus on individualism can lead to deeply ingrained habits and beliefs that prioritize self-interest over collective well-being. These habits include viewing others primarily as obstacles or means to our own ends, rather than as people with their own needs, challenges, and objectives.
This individualistic mindset can create barriers to effective teamwork and collaboration. When we are primarily focused on our own goals, it becomes challenging to truly understand and empathize with the perspectives of others. As a result, our interactions may lack the consideration and cooperation needed for collective success.
The Outward Mindset training was a game-changer for us back in 2017 and has since become a core element of how we operate. It helps us unlearn these deep-seated habits and beliefs, shifting our focus from inward to outward. By adopting an outward mindset, we start to see others as individuals who matter just as much as we do. This shift enables us to consider the impact of our actions on others and fosters a culture of empathy, collaboration, and mutual support.
We just wrapped up our most recent Outward Mindset training session with a productive and inspiring retreat in Chicago. The experience not only reinforced our commitment to these principles but also strengthened our team bonds as we explored the city and celebrated our July birthdays together.
We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to onboard new team members to this invaluable approach and ensure everyone experiences this transformative training. Together, we continue to grow and make a positive impact!
Curious to learn more? Reach out! We love sharing.
Learn more about the Arbinger Outward Mindset here.