Get To Know Y-Plan

A session on Y-Plan (Youth – Plan, Learn, Act, Now) was presented at the LLA conference in LA in April. Y-PLAN is an award-winning, K-12 civic youth engagement strategy developed by UC Berkeley’s Center for Cities + Schools (CC+S). This initiative brings young people into the heart of city planning processes, enabling them to tackle real-world challenges in their communities. The session covered Y-PLAN’s history, methodology, and theory of change.

The session left a strong impression, highlighting Y-PLAN as a valuable resource for teachers and students interested in addressing real community issues. Y-PLAN offers an online, free toolkit containing a suite of digital resources to help K-12 educators, civic professionals, and higher-ed partners develop and implement their own civic learning projects. For more information, the FAQ page provides further details. Additionally, Y-PLAN ties standards to their projects.

Student projects are also showcased on the website. Considering the interest from Ford NGL communities in community service, particularly in elementary and middle schools, exploring Y-PLAN could be beneficial. Learn more here and or reach out to us at [email protected]